It’s time to sum up another week with SHARE YOUR WORLD – 2015 WEEK #45.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “fun”?
Lots of things, but probably at the top of my list would be a visit to a zoo, especially if I can see some animals that I’ve never seen before. We recently took a two-week cruise to Alaska, and one of the best days was our visit to the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage. Another good day was our wildlife water tour in Sitka. That’s not a zoo, but it did involve seeing a lot of animals, a couple of which I’d never seen in person before.
Here are a few more activities that are always fun:
- time spent with my husband and daughter
- a visit with friends, particularly over good food and a glass of good wine
- attending a baseball game, especially if my team wins
- walking on a beach, seeing and hearing the waves roll in
What is your favorite time of day?
It is NOT early morning. I’m a night owl.
I think my favorite time of day is between late morning and late afternoon, as that’s the time when I seem to be the most alert and able to work well.
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want have a evening with?
If this question means anyone who ever lived, I’d choose my father, about whom I know very little. I’d like to be able to ask him some questions and just create some personal sense of him to augment my sparse memories.
If the question refers only to people still alive, I think I’d like to be able to hang out with Barack Obama for a while. I’m willing to wait until after his Presidency is over, so he could feel free to be just a normal guy.
Complete this sentence: Something that anyone can do that will guarantee my smile is…
Say “hello” and stop to talk instead of just passing me by. It’s those fleeting moments of seemingly ordinary life that make living special.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
Last week our neighbor and friend Dick died. We attended his memorial service yesterday. I’m grateful that I got to know him for the two and a half years I’ve lived in Tacoma. He was a special person, always eager to talk. He had a radiant smile that he bestowed on everybody. And even if his politics didn’t agree with yours (as his and mine definitely did not), he was still your friend.
I’m also grateful for the rain we’ve had this past week. That’s an unusual thing for someone to say, especially someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, but we’ve had such a water shortage here that we needed the rain badly. In fact, we need rain so badly that I’m even looking forward to more in the upcoming week.
Since the title of this weekly challenge is “share your world,” I’m going to take this opportunity to say that we are all one world, especially when something as horrific as yesterday’s terrorist attacks in France occurs. My heart goes out to the people of France, especially those on whom the attacks had a personal impact.